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James Wilson-Smith, Director

Every creative, hairbrained idea generated at the Sustainable Innovation Company is generally run by James Wilson-Smith first. Practical, commercial, and originative, James, is a barrister by trade and a Director of Sustainable Innovation Company.

James is responsible for contracts, intellectual property and good governance and is often also called upon for his thoughtful wordsmithing, world knowledge and broad depth of knowledge across numerous industries.

Before joining Sustainable Innovation Company, James set up his own legal practice in 1996 and was called to the bar in London in 1999. However, the warm waters of Australia called and James relocated with Jacqui and their young family to the Sunshine Coast hinterland in 2007.

James was admitted as a lawyer in Australia in 2010 and joined the Queensland bar in 2011. James is widely known for his integrity, thoroughness and believes in creating a better future for the planet, business and his own children.

Committed to living more sustainably, James undertakes regular upcycling renovations to the Black Plum Art Shed located on his acreage property while participating in the South East Queensland Land for Wildlife program.

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